How to avoid scammers

1) How scammers target us ?

The scammer comes to you in the guise of us. They copy our email and re-email people, Now I will explain to you how these scammers do the scam scammer asks you for a WhatsApp number or Facebook ID through which you send photos of expensive products and assure that we refund you. Like you send them the order screenshot and after that you give them your PayPal account in the writing form. For example  

Now the scammer’s trick is that once your review goes live, it uses their PayPal instead of yours. When the seller refunds, the refund will go to the scammer’s PayPal and you will have the disadvantage that your PayPal account will be put into the  scammer’s list and the seller will not refund you in any way.  So the scammer scams with you in this way and it is put on you without mistake, he also gets the money from you and the second thing is that he wastes your time and the third thing is this. That he also discredits your paypal, whenever you order from another person, he will think that you are the thief. 

There are two major losses, one for the seller and one for the buyer, because the scammer has taken his advantage. If you want to avoid such a big mistake, if you get an email like this, contact Proxeefy directly and block the email. This is the right way to do it. 

If any person other than us sends you an email in this way, please confirm with us first This will help you to avoid the scam and secondly we will take legal action on it. And this is our email that you can email directly to and our support team will get back to you 24/7 hours a day, seven days a week. []